
Posts Tagged ‘laws’

I was searching online for some new information on the GLBT community in my area, Williamstown, N.J., because I still need to find an organization nearby to explore.  I did not have any luck, but I did come across some information on GLBT adoption laws.  I discovered that New Jersey is one of a few states that permits same sex couples to adopt.  In fact, on the site, about.com, it lists the states that do and do not allow for same sex couples to adopt.  This site also states the problems that occur when states do not permit same sex parents to adopt.  First, children in gay couple households have no legal status if something happens to the parents.  The child cannot claim inheritances or other household assets if the parents die.  If one parent dies, the second parent has no legal right to take custody or care for the child.  A parent with no legal right cannot legally register a child for school.  Further, neither parent or child has visitation rights if the parents separate.   Parents cannot make medical decisions for the child.  And finally, gay couple parents without adoption rights do not receive the benefits that heterosexual parents receive from tax deductions.  I retrieved all of this information from about.com, a site a lesbian coworker of mine told me to explore.  There is a lot more information located on this site about both the difficulties and celebrations experienced in the GLBT community.

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